How to Install Flex Led Light Strips in a Car

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LED Strip Lights for Architectural, Residential, and Commercial Applications

Flexfire LEDs' strip lights are extremely popular in many facets of lighting design thanks to their compact size, high brightness, and low power consumption. They are also extremely versatile, as shown by architects, homeowners, bars, restaurants, and countless others who are using them in every way imaginable.

What are LED strip lights and what can they do? Which LED strip light is best for my project?

LED Strip Lights for Architectural, Residential, and Commercial Applications

Flexfire LEDs' strip lights are extremely popular in many facets of lighting design thanks to their compact size, high brightness, and low power consumption. They are also extremely versatile, as shown by architects, homeowners, bars, restaurants, and countless others who are using them in every way imaginable.

What are LED strip lights and what can they do? Which LED strip light is best for my project?

Shop by Series

UltraBright high brightness LED strip lights in kitchen

White Output LED Strip Lights

Architectural Grade LED strips. From subtle accents to the brightest on the market

  • ColorBright™ White Series
  • Outline™ Series
  • Accent™ Series
  • Design™ Series
  • Architectural™ Series
  • Industrial™ Series

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Dynamic Tunable White LED strip lights

Dynamic Tunable White LED Strip Lights

Precision color temperature selection at the click of a button

  • Find your "Perfect shade of white"
  • Select from Warm White to Bright White
  • Protect your circadian rhythm and sleep better

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Outdoor water resistant LED strip lights

IP65 Wet Location Outdoor Strip Lights

Weather resistant strip lights are encased in high quality silicone for protection from the elements, easy cleaning, and simple installation.

  • Eaves, awnings, patios, and decks
  • Perimeter lighting
  • High splash areas
  • Boats and vehicles
  • Signage

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How to Install Flex Led Light Strips in a Car


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